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Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine Review: A Reliable Solution for Passing Drug Tests

Synthetic urine, just as the name goes, is one solution developed to look, chemically constitute, and even smell like human urine. It is prepared for several purposes, including amongst others, passing drug tests, science experiments, or professional purposes where there is a feature for urine. Amongst such popular urine solutions stands Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine. Being so popular across the web, this solution is recommended by several people who came forward to share their experiences of trying to ace a urine drug test. According to the Hospital of Saint Raphael, this product is a trusted choice for passing drug tests with ease.

Due to the ever-growing number of companies which make it mandatory for drug tests while hiring today, testing finds its application in some legal issues like court cases, and it is vital at sportive events where athletes undergo testing to keep the principles of fairness going. Urine being a major substance required for all examinations, synthetic urines like that from Testclear give one fairly good chances to pass without troubles. The reason behind the rapid rise in its popularity, most especially powdered synthetics, remains a subject attracting many questions over efficiency, safety, and availability.

The following article will discuss, in detail, the main features of the Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine, how to use it, and customer reviews about the product. By the end of the text, you will have a better idea as to whether this is the product one should use in order to pass this type of test or another similar one.

Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine Description

Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is a kit-like substance given to help an individual pass urine drugs tests, which may be required by your employer, sports organizations, or in certain incidents involving the law. This is synthetic urine in powder form; it is reconstituted with water to the chemical and visual properties of urine. Their main function is to supply the urine sample one is supposed to produce with a view to passing this kind of test for substances taken recently, such as marijuana, among other drugs which would be detected upon conducting a drug test.

This product emanates from the company Testclear, which deals in detox and drug-testing solutions. Other products they sell would be for detoxing one’s system or providing synthetic solutions for drug tests. In the case of passing a drug test, Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine happens to be one of the most popular items owing to its correct formulation, which really replicates the exact nature of human urine. This comes in powder, which is easy to store and to transport. Once prepared correctly according to the instructions provided, it is practically indistinguishable from real urine.

Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is utilized by individuals for different purposes. One, it is in employment drug testing. Several companies ensure that before employing a person, they must pass the drug test, ensuring no traces of illegal drugs are found within one’s system. The same applies to athletes or those who participate in sporting events, so as not to fail the drug test on substances or performance-enhancing drugs that are illegal and also banned from use. One is allowed by law to use synthetic urine in cases where presentation before the court is required for the testing of drugs.

Others may use this synthetic urine for setting laboratory equipment or even personal use. This comes in handy where human urine would be needed but without the smell and bacteria found in real urine. This becomes much neater and easier to handle in most cases, like in water sports or activities where the smell of actual urine would be unacceptable.

The Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is one of the most surefire ways people turn to in passing unsupervised tests. Be it at a workplace, sports event, or dealing with some sort of legal matter, this has been one of the main priorities for a lot of people since it ensures that test results come out clean.

Ingredients and Their Purpose of the Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine

Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine has been made to be as identical in chemical composition to human urine as possible. With that in mind, it contains a number of ingredients combined in such a way as to make the synthetic urine ‘act’ like the real thing it is put through a drug test. Understanding these ingredients is important in recognizing how the product works and why it is so effective.


Creatinine is a waste product that exists in human urine and is produced through the breakdown of creatine coming from the muscles. This is really a must to make the synthetic urine match the chemical composition of real human urine. In taking a drug test, the levels of creatinine in urine are measured so as not to be from a fake sample or diluted. The amount of creatinine contained in Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is the correct amount one would find in the urine of a healthy human, making it far more convincing to the authorities doing the testing.


Urea: Another important constituent of synthetic urine, it’s a major nitrogenous waste product in human urine. The body metabolizes protein, and this metabolite is produced and excreted as a waste product through the urine. The ingredient adds, when this Testclear’s powdered urine is added to it, a close similarity in composition to real urine. This is important for passing drug tests, as this is one of the important markers the centers check in trying to find out if the sample is real or not.

Sodium Chloride and Potassium

Sodium chloride (baking/common table salt) and potassium are key, important human urine electrolytes. Added to this Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine are these ingredients, which would help in making it proximate to the normal balance of ions, thus preserving realistic characteristics of said sample. The presence of such electrolytes will ascertain the fact that this synthetic urine has the correct pH, specific gravity, and appearance, just as it is seen with real human urine.

Other Ingredients

Apart from creatinine, urea, sodium chloride, and potassium, other added compounds are mixed in their right proportions to give it all the characteristics of human urine in Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine. These help to stabilize the synthetic urine, giving it the right color and making it work just like natural urine when it comes to a drug test. They depict the physical properties like the temperature of the urine, the color, and the flow of the urine.

By combining these ingredients in the right proportions, Testclear has come up with something really effective and reliable to help one pass the urine drug tests. Its ingredients have been added not only to give the appearances of human urine but also to provide the chemical composition of human urine, thus making it a very appropriate solution for people willing to go undetected in drug tests.

How to Use the Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine

Using Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is not too complicated, but one needs to follow instructions to the letter for the best results. Everything you might require in preparing synthetic urine and presenting it for drug tests is enclosed. Here is a step-by-step of how to use the Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine Kit.

Prepare the Powdered Urine

Open the powdered synthetic urine vial. After that, you can transfer the powder into a larger container. In this context, one should make use of a clean container, not to have the powdered urine contaminated. At the time of this realization, it would necessitate filling it up with water. The water capacity may depend upon what the guidelines will suggest to be adhered to. On pouring the water inside, it would then now be possible to close the container tightly, also doing some thorough shaking. This step makes the powdered urine dissolve into the forming of a synthetic urine solution.

Activate the Heater

Once the synthetic urine is ready, you will have to heat it up to the right temperature. The kit contains a heater pack from Testclear that you will have to activate. Open the heater pack and take one of the heat pads from it. Attach the heat pad to the back of the container that the synthetic urine is in. The heater must be applied directly on the opposite side of the temperature strip that you find in this kit. The temperature strip will be used later in determining the heat of the urine if it’s within the right temperature.

Check the Temperature

The best temperature has to be anywhere between 90°F and 100°F or about 32°C to 37°C. Check the temperature by using the temperature strip after it has been turned on by the heater pad. Should it be very low, that would also disqualify you because your urine will be canceled out as a valid specimen. This could get really hot if you have to handle it safely, at which point your temperature is rather too high for this purpose.

Submit for a Test

As of now that the synthetic urine has reached its right temperature. You can pass with ease while submitting the fake urine in this drug test. So that you could perfectly submit synthetic urine for a drug test without compromising the necessary criteria of an unobserved examination. Keeping things discreetly away is very much suggested to avoid other people noticing when you’re done with the urine test.

With these simple steps, it is undetectable to pass a drug test using Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine. The process of preparation involved is rather simple, and if one follows it to the letter, then they are guaranteed that their synthetic urine will be up to the standard that will yield a positive result.

Pros and Cons of the Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine Based on Customer Feedback

Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine has been a popular product for those users who want to pass urine drug tests or use this product for some other purposes. Like any other product, it also comes with certain advantages and disadvantages. Here goes a deep dive into the pros and cons based on customer feedback.

Pros of the Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine

  • Convenient for Unsupervised Urine Drug Tests
    The biggest advantage of using Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is that it serves the purpose for an unsupervised drug test. Many are required to clear a drug test for getting hired or due to some legal requirements. In cases where this test is unsupervised, Testclear becomes a convenient option for submitting a clean urine sample without getting caught. This has worked in the case of many users when it comes to their demands for privacy and avoiding failure.
  • Acts Fast
    The outstanding feature of Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is that it will be ready for use within one hour. This aspect is, in fact, the most important part of most drug tests, which happen when one has very little time to waste. Mix the powdered urine with water, on goes the heater, and in no time, you will have your sample. Therefore, it is best for people who work under pressure and need an urgent way out to get through their tests with flying colors.
  • Contain Human Urine
    Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is highly effective because it has been made to possess most of the chemical properties of human urine. These ingredients of the synthetic urine, including but not limited to urea and creatinine, help it pass as genuine in drug tests. Perhaps for this reason, it is trusted by many users to enable them to pass their tests with unblemished records.
  • Field of Application
    Other than passing drug tests, Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine can still be used for other purposes such as sex play and sports. It saves you from the gross smell and bacteria of real urine, making things easier in various activities.
  • Long Shelf Life
    Since the product is sterile when unmixed, it can last for as long as three days in the refrigerator when properly stored. In this case, one will have the opportunity to prepare this synthetic urine in advance without its expiration.

Cons of the Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine

  • Fake and Illegal
    Using Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine has its cons. The greatest disadvantage of using Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is that this is “fake” urine. While this works in drug test passing, the use of fake urine might be illegal to be used, especially on official or court-ordered drug tests. This can get you into legal trouble, and you need to familiarize yourself with the law regarding the use of synthetic urine before you can make a decision.
  • Works Only for Urine Drug Lab Tests
    The Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine has been created and designed to help one pass urine tests that work on testing one’s system for drugs. While it may work in such situations, it is not an all-purpose solution. Hence, it would be of no use in cases of blood or hair follicle tests. It, therefore, limits its usage to a single type of drug test only.
  • Dilution Issues
    The amount of water contained in the kit may not at times be sufficient to dissolve the powdered urine. Some have even complained of needing more water for mixing the urine properly. On the other hand, too much water may over-dilute the synthetic urine and fail to turn out as it should when it comes to the test.

In the final analysis, some redeeming qualities of Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine are that it’s fast to make, efficient for passing tests, and has several applications. It is, on the other hand, illegal, and also may be problematic when diluted. Understanding the pros and cons will finally rule out whether this product will be what you need.

Q&A about Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine

If you intend to start using Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine, you probably have several questions. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about the product, complete with comprehensive answers to help you further your understanding.

Is Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine safe to use?

Yes, Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is safe, provided one uses it as instructed. It is a replica of human urine, with its ingredients carefully selected to actually represent the chemical composition of real human urine. However, responsible use and adherence to instructions will keep you from any possible complications. Being “fake” urine, this may have legal implications if used in situations that do not allow the use of synthetic urine.

For how long does the synthetic urine remain warm after you have heated it?

The heater pack will keep it at the right temperature for a finite number of hours once you get the heater turned on and the synthetic urine reaches the correct temperature, which is between 90°F and 100°F. Normally, it maintains the urine at the right temperature for 1 to 2 hours. However, you should try to get the urine in as soon as possible when it reaches the ideal temperature and try to avoid any sort of cooling. The temperature strip will guide you regarding the optimal temperature range.

How does the Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine work for all sorts of different types of drug tests?

This product is only meant for urine drug tests from employers, sports organizations, or other legal authorities that require you to take the test. For unsupervised urine drug tests, this product will be great. On the other hand, in case the test involves hair follicle or blood testing apart from the urine, then this wouldn’t work. For that purpose, it is highly important that you consider a confirmation of whether the test you face is indeed a urine drug test.

What happens if I add more water than suggested into the mixing of the powder?

The moment you use too much water in mixing with your powdered urine, chances are that you are going to be over-diluted, hence posing a poor performance during the drug test. It might turn out so transparent that the color looks like water and this may make testing suspicious. Always follow the instructions concerning how much water can be added if you need it to resemble real urine as much as possible. You can start by adding the suggested amount of water and slowly work your way up to the desired volume very carefully.

How do I store the synthetic urine if not used immediately?

Synthetic urine, when mixed, has to be placed in a location that keeps it at the suggested temperature. If you store the urine in the refrigerator, do so for as many as three days. First, seal the container very tightly because you will have to prevent contamination. Information regarding storage is vital since this acts as a criterion that sustains your synthetic urine.

Can Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine be detected by a drug test?

Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine possesses the same chemical characteristics as natural urine. Many users have reportedly been passing urine drug tests. Testing can be all over the place, and some labs may use better technology to discover synthetic urine. In brief, though highly effective in most situations, it is not possible to say it will pass every test. This happens mostly in the case where tests are well-monitored or any specific trick the lab plays to catch synthetic urines.

Brief Summary

Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine has gained momentum among those who want to succeed in urine tests. It has been formulated to look and appear like natural human urine, which one would use in unsupervised settings—for example, for employment, legal, or sporting authorities. It contains ingredients such as urea and creatinine, vital in giving it characteristics similar to those of natural urine, which will increase its chances of not raising any suspicion in drug tests.

The preparation is rather simple: one mixes powdered urine with water, heats it to the right temperature with the help of the heater pack enclosed, and presents the sample for testing. The good thing that customers have liked about this product is the fact that it works rather fast, say, within an hour, and that it can be kept sterile if well preserved. It can also be used in other spheres of life, like sex plays or in sports, whereby the foul smell of natural urine may be detestable.

Testclear Powdered Human Synthetic Urine is a critical tool that the individual who needs to attend the unsupervised urine drug test will utilize, but the use of the same should be with much caution and care. Follow instructions to the latter and aware of the jurisdiction of the law on the use of synthetic urine. Used in the right manner, it helps attain the results of interest of the tests.